Monday, May 18, 2009

Scalloped Potatoes

Homemade scalloped potatoes are probably my husbands favorite thing EVER to eat. I love this recipe because because you can use the microwave for most of the cooking so you don't have to over stuff your oven!

5 Medium potatoes
5 1/2 Tbsp. margarine or butter
1 Cup of milk
1 Cup of water
1 Cup shredded cheese
Garlic salt

Peel & clean the potatoes. Leave the potato whole and cut length wise as thin as you can, so you have thin oval shaped pieces. You will do 3 different layers of potatoes. In an 8x8 casserole dish, between each layer of potatoes put 1 1/2 tbsp of butter, salt, garlic salt & pepper to taste. Remember, potatoes need a LOT of seasoning so don't be afraid to put a lot on! Add milk & water. Cover loosely and cook in microwave for 11 minutes. Take out and mix gently and put back in microwave for another 11 minutes. Add cheese and cook in oven at 350 degrees 8-10 minutes or until cheese is golden brown. Enjoy!

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